

We're digital storytellers.

Whether you’re a large enterprise trying to play catch up with the digital bus or a startup looking to push the boundaries of your idea, team up with Influx to build your brand. You and your brand will be our focus; we keep you up-front and centre.

Influx is an award-winning, creative and digital agency based in Chennai, Dubai and Dallas. Our team of experienced and passionate designers and developers, and creative puzzle-solvers will push the boundaries of your business and help elevate your brand to its fullest potential.

Meet our numbers

The proof of the business is in its numbers.

Our Team

We are eighty awesome Influxians who work globally to drive the digital world. Here are the heads of our tribe.


Hat (Harish Anand Thilakan condensed) is our Founder and CEO

If there’s a guy who can convince an eskimo to buy a refrigerator, it’s Hat. His journey as an entrepreneur began fourteen years ago, while he was still in school. When his parents would have preferred him to be studying. He says he learnt by trial and error, but we think it’s more than that.

Hat says he picked up the art of selling through trial and error.  We beg to differ. We believe his marketing success is the result of good instincts married with a true passion about all things digital, an infectious curiosity about what’s happening in the field, and a talent for catching on quickly.

Clients love Hat. They know he not only talks a great spiel, but also puts his work where his mouth is. His typical work-schedule has him jetting off to Dubai, London and the US at the drop of a hat—no pun intended. As intense and focused at work as he is, Hat throws a mean party, knows how to have fun, and has a wicked sense of humour. No one at Influx is surprised when he sits down next to that shy intern, the interactive designer or a serious backend developer, and continues to work, coming up with humorous asides that have people cracking up with laughter.

And – boy! – does he know exactly what each one in any of our offices is doing! He can convince even the most unconvinced to give of his productive best.

That’s Hat. He drives. He delivers.

Thank you for contacting us to build gr8. We will get in touch with you shortly.