Karthik Arumugam is our Head of Design.
We hold our collective breath while Karthik and his team produce the design for any project we work on. So what’s his mojo?
He has a bachelor’s degree in computer science, and dual master’s degrees—one in electronic media, and the other in communication, advertising and public relations.Over 7 years experience in the print and digital marketing space, sound knowledge of technology, keeping abreast of the latest trends in the field, and the talent to manage teams have given Karthik the edge.
Karthik is passionate about cinema and loves watching reruns of old films and will hold forth quite authoritatively about them. What’s his favourite genre? Give him anything from suspense thrillers to realistic fiction, a Sergio Leone, Quentin Tarantino, Alfred Hitchcock or Balu Mahendra film and you’ll have a happy man.
Knowing how to design is not rocket science; he believes the crux is in understanding what a client wants and serving it up like fine cuisine. He makes sure his team enjoys their work and that’s how he gets them to deliver on time. And, as long his designers delivers on time, Karthik is fine with them chatting up their girlfriend or snoozing in between. Pretty cool that way, huh?
What does Karthik do when he isn’t at Influx? We’ll tell you. The weekends and holidays are reserved exclusively for his family, especially his infant daughter. We try not to bug him with work on the weekends. Not always possible, you know… So we just pass the message to his daughter; she handles him for us.